Friday, March 20, 2009

Advice Requested

I know we have our own advice columnist, the inimitable DeFazio, but this seems a bit outside his areas of expertise.

I've started looking into various services that would allow me to re-configure Cloozoe's International House of Pancakes as a regular forum/bulletin board; with categories, search features, private messaging, the ability for all members to start their own know, kind of like Formerly Clark's but without the sanctimony, limitations, Pat Garner or Bulldog.

I quickly learned that there is a dizzying array of options available at prices ranging from free to cheap. Does anyone out there have any experience/expertise in this area? Anyone capable/willing to help with the graphic design? I'd be glad for your input. Post here under comments or email me at


  1. Couldn't we just find a hacker to sort of place an invisible layer over Formerly Clark's, so we could use all the same topics, etc., post the same way, and they just wouldn't know it? Somebody's gotta have a 14-year-old handy who could do that! Think of the fun - using their board for us without their knowledge!

  2. Art Direction? Fart Direction. Keep it in your waders!
    The moribund stranglehold of this hypnotic wallpaper could only be enhanced if transformed to genuine rattan, snatched from the lips of a suckling Panda.

  3. Surely this is a question for our esteemed colleague, Mr. Pittsnoggle. And so long as we're visiting him under his overpass, what does Mr. P have to say about stream etiquette? Any advice for the nigh-upon-us 2009 fishing season?
