Thursday, September 3, 2009


September 2, 2009
2:53 pm

The United States is the only country in the entire civilized world that does not provide some sort of governmental health care for the general population.

The idea that somehow this problem rests partially with the Democratic party is rubbish. We have reached a point in this country where large numbers of relatively uneducated people are lead around by their televisions sets like sheep on a sheering day.

You simply have to pull out your calculator and do the math. About half of what you pay the government in taxes goes directly to the military. Half. It really isn’t that difficult to figure out why we have the fiscal problems when the internal government tax for military expenditures is, at this point, one hundred percent greater than expenditures for any health care program.

Yes, the Democratic party gets weak in the knees at times, but lets just be honest: the Republicans think corporate profits are the eleventh commandment. Some would say the first commandment. And then just throw really narrow minded bigots on the airwaves for 20 hours a day and….voila! You have your masterpiece. A country where 10 million people think Glenn Beck knows more about constitutional law and economics than Obama.

— john




  2. -john,

    Glen Beck probably does not know more about constitutional law than Obama.

    Andy, a Republican lamb.
