Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dumbfuckistan Lives On ~or~ Fuck the South, Part II

These maps are from the post election period in 2004 when it seemed the country might be lost for good and every sane person I knew was seriously considering emigrating. Since Obama's election many are cautiously optimistic, but it still feels like Dumbfuckistan to me.

As recently as 2004, more than half the voters in this country thought Bush had done a bang-up job in his first term and in 2008, after four more nightmare years and the worst economic times in the better part of a century, almost half the people in this country still voted for McCain/Palin (!) and a continuation of Bush's policies. This was after he: turned a record surplus into a record deficit; lied us into a war that's projected to cost about 2 trillion dollars and counting, has killed or maimed tens of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraquis, and has proved to be a jihadi recruiter's dream; prosecuted said war with mind-boggling ineptitude; gutted environmental regulations, usually in secret, sometimes literally in the middle of the night; presided over a massive, unprecedented upward transference of wealth; declared war on science, data and intellectualism; tortured people who turned out to be guilty of absolutely nothing; enabled the banks to engage in a massively leveraged Ponzi scheme; and claimed he got his marching orders from God--which should seriously offend anyone who believes in Him.

And after all that, do you know when -- and only when -- the tipping point was finally reached and our enlightened populace finally turned on Boy George in significant enough numbers to make the election of a rational, sentient being a possibility? When gas prices went up toward the very end of his term.

"Bankrupt the country? Hey; math's hard and shit happens. Steal from the poor and give to the rich? As long's ah get mah $12 a year tax cut ah'm happy. No weapons of mass destruction? Hell, they'll turn up anyday. Slaughter innocents, destroy the planet? No problemo. But mess with mah god-given-right to drive mah Saudi Utility Vehicle to the mall for cheap and by-god you've gone too far, son".

Truly a nation of moral and intellectual giants.

1 comment:

  1. Yer' all a buncha' PissAnts,
    Everwunz a PissAnt,
    Ahm a great big PissAnt, too.

    The Civil War wasn't hardly polite, much less "civil" and it wasn't about slavery; it was about whether the United States of America would continue to exist as a nation with primary power vested in the Federal government or devolve into a hodge-podge of hostile competing semi-nations begging to be walked over and crushed by whatever European power chose to do so. Slavery only became an issue of real political strength once the war had commenced, at which time abolition of the evil institution was used as a means of further hamstringing the South economically and as a moral imperative to increase Union enlistment, decrease resistance to the draft and to placate the Northerners who truly abhorred the concept. Oh, yeah, it also bolstered the Union's claim to higher moral ground.

    The South holds no exclusive on ignorance, racism or stupidity. The Irish weren't too welcome in New York nor were the Portugese in Boston, the Polish in Chicago and the Jews pretty much everywhere. Lots o' ugliness hides behind the masks of most all cultures. That said, there is more kindness and beauty extant but it don't have a good press agent.

    Nancy Grace, Rush Limbaugh, Greta VanSustersneeren, Sarah Palin, John McCain, Bush the First and Bush the Turd were essentially sourced from north of the Mason-Dixon Line. George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and Jim Crow; well, they are as Southern as a field of goobers bordered by pecan trees.

    Gotta' admit the DumbFuckistan Maps are a winner! Must protest the Small Cute Dog as an insult to canines around the world. A better choice would have been PinHeadocchio. After all, the puppeteers' wires were always visible, it was apparent from the start that the puppet had a wooden head and was carved from a template that has been used over and over through American history. The cartoonist could have easily avoided the problem of constant nasal elongation by installation of a sideline commenting termite. Oh well, sigh......I'm going fishin' in Oregon next week. 2 weeks of not thinking should qualify me for admittance to the ranks of extremism in any party.
